
TAC Pack: Winter Wonders - 5E Themed Magic Item Booster Pack

Created by Ralph Levi Clark

A pack of 15 magic item cards for D&D 5E that are all based around a central theme! This is our initial pack featuring Christmas items!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick update!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 04:30:56 PM

Hello backers! 

I just wanted to give you a quick update and let you know that I'm expecting the delivery of the remaining TAC Packs within the next week or so which puts us in line with a February delivery for remaining packages. If you haven't received your package at this point then look for my next update as I start sending them out!

I also wanted to highlight a few fun projects on Kickstarter right now that I can't wait to see in my mailbox, Friday is a good day to share cool things!

Fun Projects

1. Zombies vs Stoners Playing Cards

I love some good high quality playing cards and zombies have been a favorite thing of mine since WAYYYY before they were "main stream". This is just plain fun and I've been getting back into a lot of table top games recently, I can't wait to pull these out at the table :) Check 'em out!


If you can't see the fun in this then ask your friends for help, tasteless or not, this is going to be fun to have and I'm sure it's going to be filled to the brim with excellent ideas. Don't miss it, only 5 days left!

3. Horizon Rising

A wall of water that waits against the horizon for a sinking city ruled by wanton gods fallen to hubris... can you escape the fate that has swiftly approaches this dying lands last days? 

In closing...

More updates will be coming soon when we have the packs in hand and start mailing out the last of the packages!

Thank you for being awesome and remember to continue...



Backerkit live! Answer it now!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 11:33:19 AM

Hello Backers!

Time is of the essense, please visit the backerkit linked below to fill out your survey so that we can begin shipping out your packages ASAP!

If you have any issues or questions please ask them here so I can easily track them and give them attention as quickly as possible.



A picture is worth 1000 words...
over 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 05:57:41 PM

Your quick to ship stocking stuffers have already arrived!

Now we're just waiting on BackerKit to open up for us, which should be next Monday-Tuesday, so that I can start taking addresses! The shipping cutoff date for December 25th deliveries is December 17th, at this rate we'll have about 10 days, MORE THAN ENOUGH, to get your packages out so that you can have them (here in the US at least) by Christmas. 

As promised :)

Just make sure that when I post my announcements and send out BackerKit invitations that you jump on and do them right away! Remember, if you add extra items during your survey that I have in stock they will also ship right away and if you add anything that's going to ship later then I'll put a second package in the mail for you. You'll still get your TAC pack on time!

More good news coming soon!



Assault on Krampusnacht PDF download available now!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 05:15:06 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Assault on Krampusnacht Softcover Add On!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 02:42:22 PM

Hello Backers!

We're almost at the 48-hour mark and to celebrate crossing the 50% line I wanted to announce that we have added a new "Add-On" that you can pledge for!

$20 Add On - Softcover printed edition of One-Shot!

You can play this adventure with your existing party that can be used anywhere you wish. OR use the pre-generated elven hit squad presented in the back of the book and have friends attempt the assault as a standalone adventure! This is the first time this adventure has been made available in printed format. We've made tweaks here and there to make sure it meets all the quality standards that we demand of any of our products!

NOTE to any who want to add the printed adventure but have already pledged for a "First 100" reward level – the printed adventure is a separate item and will NOT be part of the pre-Christmas delivery of the TAC Pack and/or The Cursed Collective. You will still get your PDF version of the Assault on Krampusnacht, however.

These softcover books will not be ready to ship until January or February via Media Mail and the USPS!

